Fiduciary: Financing Guarantees and Ownership in the Business


  • Farida Akbarina Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia
  • Shohib Muslim Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia
  • Ikhsan Setiawan Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia
  • Rizqi Khoirunnisa Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia



ownership, objects, fiduciaries, Financing Agreement


The concept of fiduciary is the transfer of material rights of an object based on trust, which often causes multiple interpretations. Ownership and control of a fiduciary guarantee object in various cases, it is not uncommon for disputes between creditors and debtors to occur in a fiduciary guarantee agreement because the creditor assumes that with the existence of executory rights as fiduciary recipients, the object of fiduciary guarantee is legally owned by the creditor so that the creditor has the right to take and sell the fiduciary guarantee object when the debtor defaults. Unilaterally, the debtor who considers that the object of the fiduciary guarantee is owned because the object is registered in his name so that the debtor can use the object freely, such as handing over to a third party or selling the object of the fiduciary guarantee unilaterally. The author employs normative legal research techniques. According to the study's findings, the debtor owns the Fiduciary Guarantee Object following the Law, and the debtor controls the collateral object for financial gain. A law should be made clearly and firmly to avoid conflicts between its articles. In the business world, a fiduciary is a security for the parties when funding is implemented. With this rights transfer, the fiduciary will have the power to make decisions while prioritizing other creditors.


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How to Cite

Akbarina, F., Muslim, S., Setiawan, I., & Khoirunnisa, R. (2024). Fiduciary: Financing Guarantees and Ownership in the Business. Journal of Progressive Law and Legal Studies, 2(03), 254–264.