Aim and Scope

The mission of the Pancasila International Journal of Applied Social Science is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academics, students, and practitioners to publish current and significant empirical and conceptual research or builds theory. Pancasila International Journal of Applied Social Science is a double-blind, peer reviewed, and open access, this journal publish articles in different fields of different fields of applied social sciences.

The articles scope include but not limited to the following:

- Art and Humanities

- Religion and Philosophy

- Archaeology and Ancient

- Economic and Development

- Business and Management

- Accounting and Finance

- Education and Learning

- Geography and Local Culture

- Health and Medicine

- Ergonomics and Human Factors

- Law and Legal Studies

- Government and Public Policy

- Information and Communication

- Linguistic and Language

- Sport and Tourism

- Safety Research

- International Relations

- Sociology and Politic

- General Social Science