Time Management: The Key to Success in Managing Complex Projects


  • Slamet Pamuji Thames International University, France
  • Tasbihatun Ni’mah Academy Europe Open University, Germany
  • Krisna Meidiyantoro Baharuddin STIE IEU Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Andika Yuli Novianto STIE IEU Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Eko Putro Wibowo STIE IEU Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Kasmin Mitra Bangsa University, Indonesia




Time Management, Keys to Success, Complex Projects


Time management is crucial in managing complex projects, where many factors interact and can influence the final outcome. This article outlines the importance of effective techniques, tools, planning, and scheduling in creating a framework that can guide teams to achieve project goals with maximum efficiency. By planning carefully and using tools like Gantt Charts and project management software, teams can visualize progress, identify critical paths, and optimize resource use. Additionally, this article highlights the role of team engagement and communication in maintaining motivation and shared understanding among team members. High engagement contributes to better collaboration, while clear communication helps reduce confusion and speed up decision-making. Furthermore, dealing with risk and uncertainty are challenges that often hinder the progress of projects. With a proactive approach to analyzing and responding to risks and implementing adaptive methods, teams can increase project resilience. Finally, evaluation and learning from each project provide an opportunity for in-depth analysis of time performance and resource management. Organizations can continually improve their time management practices by documenting findings and applying the knowledge gained to future projects. Overall, effective time management ensures timely project completion and improves the quality of the end result and stakeholder satisfaction, making it the key to success in managing complex projects.


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How to Cite

Pamuji, S., Ni’mah, T., Baharuddin, K. M., Novianto, A. Y., Wibowo, E. P., & Kasmin, K. (2025). Time Management: The Key to Success in Managing Complex Projects. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science, 3(01), 124–134. https://doi.org/10.59653/ijmars.v3i01.1234